Capturing Your Birth with Trust and Beauty



Paul Go

I got my start in birth photography when I would come visit my friends shortly after they delivered their first children. I’d come with my camera and snap a few photos for them. This turned into coming earlier and grabbing some photos before the birth and turning them into a slideshow. These stories were shared, and my services started to come into higher demand. I never would’ve thought I’d be shooting births as part of my business, but I can honestly say it is one of the most rewarding parts of my craft. There’s not a single birth that hasn’t left me in awe of the miracle that happens when a new child is brought into the world.

As I’ve grown in my craft and as a human, there are 3 values that I’ve remained anchored to that help guide and direct how I operate: Trust, Care, and Integrity


Birth is a sacred, miraculous, and intimate event, and having someone there to photograph these moments requires the utmost of trust and respect. I don’t take lightly that I’ve been invited into such a time. Your trust in me to treat your labor and delivery with the highest respect and reverence as well as to capture the story with beauty is my priority and joy.


As part of your birth team, I’m there to tell your story as well as to care for your family. Sometimes that means putting the camera down and giving a helping hand, running an errand for you, or just giving you some time to yourselves. My highest concern is for you and your family. So I always strive to do my best to care for your.


Always do the right thing, even when no one is looking. Underlying Trust and Care is the Integrity required to do what is right, what is good, and what is honoring. If I’m not a person of integrity, then I’m not worthy to as for trust and not able to give you the care you deserve. Hopefully, my life will reflect this and the people that know me can attest to it.